Susan Offers….
These beautiful handmade cards.
They are derived from the practice of the Metta meditation of loving kindness. The sentiments are not limited to any specific religion or philosophy. The Metta words on each card can evoke a heart-felt feeling of well being and compassion for all beings.
Though the words are associated with a pictured animal, the feelings of compassion and loving kindness evoked may be extended to yourself, family, pets and friends. Think about those you are familiar with at first and then enlarge your scope of loving kindness.
May you be truly happy.
The cards are replicas of Susan-made quilt blocks created in greeting card form. The 7 cards are sold as a package for $35. Please use the “Contact Us” page to email Susan for purchase. Thank you.
About Susan
Susan lovingly offers her knowledge as a healer, teacher, caregiver, energy worker and dedication to help people arrive at a peaceful and positive place in their lives. With her ability to see people as their inner brightness and outer luminescence, her clients are able to feel safe and secure in acknowledging who they really are.From an early age, Susan has had a profound connection to nature which has given her joy, solace and refreshment. The nearby environment provided communion with many living creatures that brought her the awareness and ability to share nature’s vibrant energies.Since the age of 17, Susan has studied the principles and applications of various spiritual and healing modalities. She brings this knowledge to help people heal, to be at one with their joy, their passion and their gifts.

Susan Offers
Susan has 25 years’ experience in healing modalities:
- Life Insights Teaching – Classes of self-growth, self- healing, and learning how to align and balance your own energy as well of that of others’.
- Munay Ki Shamanic ceremonies – Melding the spirit world with the physical, for manifesting.
- Communicating with machines, large and small – Enhancing their healing and interactions with humans. Having survived serious health issues, she has learned how important are the interactions between humans and machines, and has taught many how to enhance their healing by lovingly communicating with the machines they need.
- Reiki – With roots in ancient cultures, this energetic healing modality supports health and vitality.
- Creates Metta Cards – Loving kindness meditational greeting cards
Life Insights Teachings
Susan teaches Scout Bartlett’s Life Insights classes and his Vertical Energy Beam work. Scout’s L.I.V.E. Beam alignments are the basis of Susan’s work with LEAP.A continuing student of the Life Insights classes since 2005, Susan Thompson is an Advanced Accredited Life Insights Teacher ( A.A.L.I.T.), LEAP Master Teacher, and a certified Exceleration Treatment practitioner.Together with Tina Solinas and Ellen Henson, she helped create a manual for one of the graduate level classes.
A Scientist, Spiritual Advisor, Writer, Reiki Practitioner and Shamanic Teacher
A student of yoga since the age of 19, she founded an ashram in Ohio at age 20, a center for meditation and contemplation.
In 1996, she opened her own healing center offering alternative healing merged with scientific support. As a biologist and Human Resources Director, she worked at a cancer research company, weaving energetic healing and herbal remedies with allopathic medicine.
For many years, Susan volunteered for Concentric Media, an independent media production company that has produced award-winning film documentaries of people working toward social justice, human rights, and personal growth.
Susan has written two nonfiction books in the Silk Stalkings series, including Edgar-nominated, When Women Write of Murder. They honor series characters created by women mystery authors.
In 2005, Susan holds the Master Degree of Reiki Teacher. Her shamanic training in the Spirited Plant Medicine program began the same year.
Susan is a holder and transmitter of the Munay Ki rites, which are architectural blueprints for becoming Homo luminous, the lineage of the Inca. Susan and Ellen have offered trainings since 2009, and are co-authors of Our Heritage Unfettered, a forthcoming book on the Munay-Ki rites.
Since 2010, Susan and Ellen have served as co-directors of the 20 Dancing Dragons Mystery School of Self-Mastery. They co-authored The 20 Dancing Dragons Card Deck and Book.

Susan brings laughter and lightness to everything she does.
Being in Susan’s classes allows me to rest in her own deep sense of peace, which lifts my heart and allows me to be more open to the spirit that I am.
~ TH

Being in one of Susan’s meditations has allowed me to open up to a deep and expanded life-filled sense of myself.
~ NK