About The Program

*Self Confidence * Personal Empowerment *
* Stress Management*

The LEAP work accesses your inner energetic flow,
bringing it into alignment through your energy centers.

When LEAP alignments open the flow of your innermost being,
you can experience more joy in life, connecting you with who you really are.


Program Details

Program Duration – 13 weeks

Daily Alignments – Powerful, daily, energetic alignments are provided by Four Master Teachers of the Life Insights Teachings.

You don’t need to be present physically when the alignment takes place. Alignments are received wherever you are in your day. No need for phone calls, Zoom meetings, or scheduled times. All the work is done energetically from a distance.

These remote alignments access your core beam of energy. They ensure that earth’s energy is flowing through all of your body’s energy centers and that you are energetically connected to Source.

To Register:
* Fill out the Registration Form
* Include a recent photo
* Include payment
* Write your intentions (optional)

Please note:

LEAP is open to those ages 13 and older. Parental approval is required for those under 18.

When registering for someone else, you must have their express permission.   

It is optional, and can be helpful, to participate in a phone conversation with one of the teachers at the end of the program. (We will contact you about this.)

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LEAP Helps

The Life Insights Energy Alignments help you shift your emotional state:

  • Feel more confident
  • See new choices
  • Improve relationships
  • Move forward in your chosen direction
  • Feel supported
  • Be centered and balanced daily

Reported Benefits from Participants

  • An underlying sense of safety
  • Feeling much calmer
  • Less stressful, more satisfying, family vacations
  • Day-to-day decisions easier to make
  • Job opportunities have opened up for some participants
  • An increased interest in my life
  • Being more at ease with myself
  • Heightened awareness of beauty
  • It’s easier to come back to center, even in hard times.
  • I realized how angry I was. I could see it, and shift it.
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