Dear Ones,
It’s always an honor to align you and your projects daily. As we make our way through this last week of the current LEAP, please take a moment to look at your goals for this program. What shifts do you see in your life?
Sometimes it’s almost impossible to see how life was ten weeks ago. That is why looking back at what your might have written ten weeks ago, looking at what you listed as things –that you wanted to enhance, to change or to let go of –is a useful way to see what’s been going on.
This exercise is for you, if you would like to speak with one of the team about what you noticed, or what you didn’t notice, email me back and we’ll get something set up for you.
Know that you are dear to the women who are your LEAP Team. Please, find a moment today to find beauty in your world and soak in that beauty. Also, please, treat yourself as a precious loved one, because you are.
With love and light,
Your LEAP Team