Our energy alignments are like spiritual hugs.

Dear Ones,

The weeks are flying by.  We are at week 5 of this last program of LEAP for 2023.  As you go about your days remember that each and every day you are receiving an alignment from one of us.

Strengthening, straightening, widening your core essence provides a moment of re-set for you as you are living your life.  It a sweet gift to know that someone is taking care of you as the alignment happens.  You might think of it as a spiritual hug, a “that a boy”, “you’re doing a good job”!  I truly believe we do that best we can, moment by moment.  These alignments support you in being your best self, whatever life is showing you.

So, get out there and swing for the moon, dance, sing, laugh out loud and please treat yourself as a deeply loved and cherished person….because you are.

I found beauty in the falling leaves in my backyard this morning.  Where have you found beauty today?

Until next time,

With love and light,

Your LEAP Team

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